35 events found.
Our program begins at 6:45 pm with a candlelit reception immediately following. RSVP to Kathleen Leopold at kleopold590@yahoo.com or call 540-219-6679. All ladies are welcome!
Join us for worship online! You can find the worship folder here: https://drive.google.com/.../1d7jbUf2v9A6EZmMDXJv.../view...
Children ages 18 months to 3 years plus their caregivers are invited to this free, fun hour of activities that includes: a Bible story, songs, art & crafts and a snack. Build relationships with your child, their peers, and other adults! Learn about Jesus, the world around us, and make new friends! To register, visit us at www.littlestarsofbethlehem.org.
Join us for Midweek Bible Study online! Email pastor@bethlehem-lutheran.org for connection info!
Join us for Midweek Bible Study online! Email pastor@bethlehem-lutheran.org for connection info!
Children ages 18 months to 3 years plus their caregivers are invited to this free, fun hour of activities that includes: a Bible story, songs, art & crafts and a snack.Build relationships with your child, their peers, and other adults! Learn about Jesus, the world around us, and make new friends!To register, visit us at www.littlestarsofbethlehem.org.
Join us for Midweek Bible Study online! Email pastor@bethlehem-lutheran.org for connection info!
All of our friends with special needs are welcome to join us for a time of safe fellowship and fun around God's Word!
Join us for worship as our Sunday School children and teens present the story of the birth of Christ! The worship folder can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VqqJM2Mn4G7BwSyUTvt9mUyJA3g_7oSu/view?usp=share_link .
Join us for Midweek Bible Study online! Email pastor@bethlehem-lutheran.org for connection info!
Join us for our Christmas Eve song service! Online access to the worship folder can be found here Join us for worship! The worship folder can be found here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pHy5cUMLv6qGKFLRXzLTgdvVFDAx1-5y/view?usp=share_link
Join us for Christmas Morning worship! Online access to the worship folder is available here https://drive.google.com/file/d/15fAcIxg09h_bq87JN305E2-bqKY0TamB/view?usp=share_link
Join us for men's Bible study! All men are welcome. Email pastor@bethlehem-lutheran.org for more information.
Join us for New Year's Eve Worship with Holy Communion - the worship folder can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10bQvnhc8uLcJ7ztz31P0RYtYRd8uO3gQ/view?usp=share_link
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